Costa Rican coffee and Why ?
Costa Rica is a very special and blessed kinda of place, interestingly enough it holds 5% of all biodiversity in the whole world in a country slightly smaller than Tasmania, covered in a land with 6 active volcanoes and another 61 ones that are dormant it forms a special type of place unlike any other in the planet, these elements give shape to a unique combination of factors that create a coffee like no other and that is why is considered one of the most luxurious in the world.
I myself as a kid grew up in these majestic mountains and was surrounded by coffee farms everywhere I looked, we used to play hide and seek in the coffee farms and also I used to pick it when I wanted some pocket money for lollies, at the time I was not aware of what I was witnessing all around me: incredible smells from the coffee cherries when being picked to the plants where they would be processed and by big factories where I witnessed the different processes the coffee cherries go through so it goes from being a cherry to a green bean and then roasted so I got accustomed to the different smells in the different stages of the process.
To me the smell of coffee roasting hits a very familiar nerve and it brings back all those happy memories.
Costa Rica takes coffee to a different level having a department dedicated exclusively to the coffee industry to make sure only the highest of standards are met and interestingly enough Costa Rica went through its own “gold rush” but with coffee the national theater was built and the whole country was able to become one of the strongest democracies in the world by having coffee as its main driver for development, Costa Rica offers free education and free healthcare and also boasts the title of being the first country in the world to have abolished its army in no little part thanks to coffee. The respect and prestige coffee has in Costa Rica is well deserved.
I hope you enjoy your coffee as much as I like making it and bringing it to the coffee capital of the world; Melbourne !!! That makes it that much more fitting !
Happy cupping !

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